My Friend and Me Cover WFL

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Rihanna, If You See This.. Please Say Something in Your Twitter...

I'm a Rihanna Navy.. I come from Indonesia.. And here, i stand to go hard.. I just want Rihanna to see these pictures.. And she knows.. How we damn want Diamonds World Tour in Indonesia.. Please Rihanna.. I Love You So Much.. And say something in your twitter if you will add Indonesia in your Diamonds World Tour list.. Thank you Rihanna.. :")

 These photos i took from @RihannaIndo 's Twitter Account.

If you're a Rihanna Navy, please help to trend and share it.. Thank you navy :)
We're Family{}

Monday, 16 July 2012

My Design

Hello everybody!! I'm so sorry for not post soooooo long time... Because, I have no idea with what i will post... :D But, now i have an idea... I just wanna share my design... i like to design dress, high heels, clutch, and accecories.... :D Hope You Like It!!! (Don't forget to comment, follow my twitter and blog... :) Thank You!!)

Friday, 6 April 2012

The One and Only by Airinda (I Made This by myself!! i'm not cheating or another!! It originally made by me!! :D)

Hello Guys!! I'm back.. This is my song, but i'm just make the lyric.. It's about someone who so sad because that someone heard a bad news about that someone's loved.. Hope you like it.. :) :')

Saturday, 31 March 2012


Hello everybody! I'm back to post my new post... :DDDD


Saturday, 17 March 2012

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Why do you hate me?

Hello Guys!! I'm back.. Been a long time i'm not post. Actually i don't know what i must write (:D.....Forget It...:D). But, i remembered something. That is about my friend. She hates me. I don't know why. She hates me with no reason. I really really hate her too. Because, she not nice to me. I have tried to be  nice to her. But she still not nice to me. That's why i hate her. And now, she be nice to me. I don't know why. I'm so suprised. She changes. But i think she will like that again. I think that's all. See you in my next post!!! :D